Friday, September 26, 2014

Dental Practice Loans Allow Dentists The Opportunity for a Great Vacation.

I have a cousin that is a practicing dentist.

Since I have a close relationship with my cousin, it allows me to gain insight in the lives of dentists many individuals do not have. I learned through this relationship the fact that the majority of dentists work quite a bit of more hours than the average person.

Most people see the end result of what many dentists have acquired through years of hard work. They may see a dentist who has a nice looking car or fairly large house which would lead one to think that by being a dentist it is the immediate road to riches and stress free lives.

On the contrary from what I've noticed from my cousin is that more often than not, he is away from his family quite a bit due to his schedule. My cousin had an average sized practice but had quite a few patients that needed to be taken care of. From what I would see he was always worried or concerned about something that needed to be dealt with.

Unfortunately people always have and always will need assistance from a dentist at some point in their lives. My cousin is a very caring person who would always make himself available to his patients. Personally I always would let him know that he would need to take time off but I would notice he very rarely took time away from the office. When he did schedule a vacation, he would never fully take time off and would continue to work while on vacation.

I also learned that in regards to vacations, my cousin always didn't have the funding you would expect available for the type of vacation he wanted. Many people say why not put it on a credit card?My cousin wasn't the type to just run up a huge bill on his credit card and was always concerned with keeping his balance in check.

For the most part when my cousin actually took time away from his practice it would be to attend a conference or to fulfill requirements of keeping up with continuing dental education and required certifications, To me this does not sound like much of a vacation.

Due to advances in technology, dentists can now use the internet along with electronic health records. Also via the internet, dentists can connect with and review labs and stay in contact with their office via Skype. They also can refill medications and stay busy by answering emails that constantly update or a contact with the occasional emergency while they are away.

As an dental alternative funding source, it is my goal to alleviate some of the stress doctors are under financially to be able to take time away from their practices. Many of the dentists that we've worked may only have been in business 1 or 2 years.

For most banks, more often than not they will need to see more longevity in a practice before they feel comfortable enough to provide the funds needed for a dentist to take a vacation.

In cases where it is a new practice with at least 6 months in business, it is much more difficult to get a substantial loan due to the fact the practice does not have established credit.

Some alternative funding sources offer Dental Practice Loans that work with dental practices that have not established credit yet but will work with a dental facility with at least 6 months in business.

Once the dental practice loan is procured, it will go a long way toward helping the dental practice pay staff, bills, taxes or the money may be used for any purpose. Ideally this will give the dentist the peace of mind that is needed in order to take at least a 7 day vacation away from such a stressful occupation.

Ed Rogers at Small Business Loans Depot has many years experience in alternative funding source lending. Ed has discussed on many occasions the benefits of Dental Practice Loans and the effect of receiving a loan in regards to improving the overall patient experience based on the medical office improvements made once a medical practice loan is procured

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